About Us
With unparalleled experience in the POS industry, since the invention of touch-screen film and controllers in the early 1990's, with the first ever implementation of touchscreen technology into a POS product for Windows 3.0, for over 22 years and counting, our POS software and systems are the ones with the lowest maintenance footprints, the ones that are feature rich and feature packed, and the ones with superior user friendly UI's spefically targeting touchscreen environments. Our proprietary UI's with precisely tuned scroll bars, and specialized user controls were designed to work for you in your busy mission-critical highly transactional environments.With unprecedented technical and development support provided to our clients, including to custom reports, custom PMS, hotel and resort interfaces, custom module development for theme parks and recreation centers, custom self-ordering modules, commissary modules, tablet implementations, and anything else the can be imagined, our products are the ones you can rely on and grow with.
Our POS products are designed to be internationalized, speak many different languages, and can be customized to speak yours. Give us a shout, for more information, or for internationalization options.
Athyron Corp.
16850 Collins Av., #112
Miami, FL 33160
800-b2b-Tech #1