aprego! Clockin Feature

aprego! permits various type of clockins. Employees are either assigned a unique job description or can be assigned multiple job descriptions. During their clockins, their job descriptions and their pay types are assigned.

aprego! has complete time& attendance modules which can be turned off if so desired by management.

You may turn off multiple job title feature and thus simplify the selection process during clokins, or simply assign different codes to the same employee if they perform different job titles. This decision is left strictly to management.

Please note the graphics may be slightly distorted due to being optimized for the web. You may click on the screen to recall a larger version of the optimized graphic.

aprego! Login Feature

An employee may use their magnetic swipe card to login to the system, or enter their secret password code. The same reader is used for credit card processing and manager overrides. Based upon the employee type different screens will be visible and different security levels will apply. The employee may just simply be sent directly to the room or bar they are assigned to.

aprego! Manager Functions
Main Menu

This is the main screen a manger or a GM may see. It is logically organized into various top-level functions.

Based upon the user password code, various different screens are presented.

indicates that a print job may be present at this terminal. Any ticket report may be printed from any station, at any time, in real-time. No need to stop the system, no need to "grind". It may be previewed on screen and then printed.

aprego! Table-Server Room Selection Menu

If a table-server is assigned only one room in which they can operate, they will not be presented this screen. Note that some rooms are not available. This is because management has decided to restrict the user from these rooms.

Rooms may be named whatever management selects and can be renamed at any time.

  indicates that this employee is currently assigned training mode clearance only. This means an employee can train by learning the functions of the system without effecting inventory and sending print jobs. Print jobs will be routed to the screen to reduce paper waste.

aprego! Table-Server Table Selection Menu (A)

aprego! presents its tables as a graphic representation rather than having the table-server remember the check number. aprego! was the first system to set this standard.

Management may position or reposition tables at any time. The color property of the table may signify sections.

Various properties of tables exist. These are free and ready to be served, occupied and waiting to be served, served, and check is on the table. Management may at any time login and see at a glance from any terminal or remotely the status of the restaurant. A table may have a name attached by a table server or a hostess through a specialized hostess module using the "ABC" key.


aprego! Table-Server Table Selection Menu (B)

This represents the "Tactical" view of the same room. It allows management to see at a glance the time a party has been seated at a table along with the table status. This will aid management to properly coordinate waiters and head waiters.

Backgrounds, color schemes and placement of tables are determined by management.

aprego! permits the entry of tips, and the correction of these entries at any time during the operation of the system prior to the daily closeout. Tip entry is accomplished at the Table Screen by pressing the tips button. Only transactions of the server that is logged in are visible. Management sees all transactions.

aprego! Table-Server Guest Count Dialogue

Once a table is touched, a guest count dialogue appears. Note that this feature may be turned of by management. In some cases management may choose not to record this information in order to streamline the entry of order information.

aprego! Table Order Screen

aprego! V4 supports 3 different matrix configurations. These are user selected and the menu buttons are defined by management. The three matrices are: 4x5 (with bitmap support), 7x5, 10x5. Only 4x5 scheme supports bitmaps. aprego! supports 12 different menus. 3 may be timed. These are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

By pressing a menu button, you may drill down to multiple levels (although we try to keep them less than 3 deep) or place an item order.

After ordering an item, you may press "TOP" or "Back" to hop one level up, as in a browser. Moreover there is an auto-top property that can be turned on and assigned to any given menu button.

aprego! Modifier Screens

aprego! supports two types of modifiers. There are "must modifiers" and "may modifiers" or "specials". Must modifiers, are attached to a menu item, and are mandatory. They are a part of the ordering process. Once a menu item is selected, they will pop in order of assignment. And "specials" consist of 26 pages or A-Z modifiers of 18 selections per page, per individual item. These are called up by the waiter by highlighting an item, and pressing specials. All keys are re-programmable and can be made to work with the selections to up-charge or reduce.

The PIZZA icon is specific to pizzas only. This is automatically detected based upon definition, and allows pizza specific topping specific functions.

Oh and did we mention that aprego! learns various specials as the system is in operation?

aprego! Check Screen

aprego! screens are laid out by function and are specifically designed for optimum workflow. All check functions appear when the waiter presses "check". Form here, one may transfer a check to another table, bar tab, server or any combination of these. One can orbit, which is another way to transfer or temporarily park a check, assign guest counts, enter promotions, perform hold and unhold functions, display recipe, group items as apps, courses, etc., print the check and finally pay it.

Some of these functions are specific to various security and setup considerations and may not be available.


aprego! Pay Check Screen

The pay function screen, as all other screens, is laid out making sure that one can easily approach the terminal and touch the right side of the screen while keeping the check visible on the left.

aprego! allows you to payout by seat, split a check 9 different ways and produce separate checks. aprego! also permits management to designate certain terminals to charge mandatory gratuity, while others may not. This is important for room-service terminals. Gratuity may be handled in various different combinations and permutations based on settings or guest count. Further, retail items may not be subject to gratuity while food service items are. That also goes along with various tax structures. aprego! supports "smart tax" State structures. aprego! also supports VAT and foreign currencies.

aprego! supports various modules, and even supports timed inventory. This is useful for pool-halls, boat rentals, etc. We hope, these screen shots have given you a flavor of aprego! This is just a small sample of one of the modules. aprego! supports a specialized fast-food module with "bump-screens", a specialized bar screen, a hostess module with walk-in lists and reservations, and more. 

For more information, contact info@aprego.com. For our no obligation quote builder, click here.